Our Story

We have now completed this project, we will be showing the exhibition at our A.G.M later in the year and hopefully at the Redbridge Museum. Watch out on the what’s coming up page or go visit the multi me website to view our pictures and video’s.
We have recorded the history of Redbridge Forum.
Working with the Redbridge Museum we offered heritage training showing how to complete oral history interviews, transcribe the materials and store the material for archive. The Redbridge museum trained people to research using the archives and internet. This helped us to understand the changing understanding and views of Learning Disability over the last 100 years.

This work gave us insight into changing views about people with a learning disability and how their treatment and rights have changed over.

We also archived our historical papers with the Redbridge Museum.
We have made an exhibition and an easy read booklet.
We worked with service users from the Woodbine Clubhouse and have built an easy read website to record our progress with the project.

More information Contact Olivia on Redbridgeforum@hotmail.co.uk or call

020 8478 7571